Archive for ‘DJ Wick’d’

January 17, 2011

Your everyday radio advice

“You are listening to DYSR – Sunset Radio of sunny Dumzville City, and I am your host, DJ Wick’d, bringing you hot tunes, hot stuff, and hot advice to all my listeners,” spoke the voice from Lee’s radio of her car. “Our lines will be open in a bit, so feel free to holler your questions, requests, and other tidbits you want to share with me and the rest of our listeners. For now, here’s a saucy tune from Toots and the Maytals called ‘Start Me Up’.”

Lee reached for her cell, hesitant at first, but she decided to go on anyway. She blushed at the thought of her question, but she went on anyway. She called DJ Wick’d and posed her question, and gave her alias as “Bitsy.” Who would know it was her? Lee wondered. She shook her head and giggled. “I hope you can help me with my question,” Lee breathed into her cellphone in an attempt to mask her voice.

“Thanks for calling, DYSR,” said a pleasant voice on the other line. “DJ Wick’d will check these out so stay tuned to hear if your question is aired.”

“Great. Thanks!” replied Lee. Hanging up, she sat back and continued to listen to her favorite show of the day. There was something about DJ Wick’d that Lee liked a lot. The voice captivated a lot of people every day, including her, and she felt as though she was listening to a big sister talking about anything and everything.

After the song ended, DJ Wick’d came back on and said, “Well, that was a flood of questions, folks! Interesting. Before I start answering questions, I would just like to give a shoutout to all those who want to know my name. Dudes, it will always be a secret. But thanks for your kind, hot, and naughty thoughts. I will hold on to these whenever those cold nights come along.”

“Okay,” said the DJ, “our first question of the day is quite interesting. It comes for a certain lady named ‘Bitsy’,” a short sexy chuckle came through the waves and the DJ proceeded, “and she wants to know how the hell do we cover up hickies!”

Lee involuntarily blushed upon hearing her question being spoken out loud. She honestly thought it was a dumb question, but she really had to know.

“Well, Bitsy,” said DJ Wick’d, “honey, if I were you, I would not cover it up. Why? Because it is a lovebite. Which means, you got lucky! But since you asked, I will tell you the secret my grammy once told me when I was covered with hickies.”

“What you do is you take the cap of a lipstick, rub it in the spot again and again, but not to the point that you bleed. Just so the area will have blood circulating. Another method is to get a cold spoon or a block of ice on the area but only if its still fresh. Or supposedly rubbing a penny on a wet hickie in a circular motion should do the trick. But I have not found if THAT method works.”

“Tell you what, hun,” continued the DJ, “go grab a stick of concealer and just hide it for the meantime. Besides, if you’re that naughty, you’re bound to get more of those sooner or later!”

“And now,” said DJ Wick’d, “let me get you start making hickies with this next song by Nu Flavor called ‘Sweet Sexy Thing’. Enjoy…”

DJ Wick’d leaned on her seat, switching off the ON AIR sign and sighed. The last question was interesting, she thought. How many times in the past had she tried to hide hickies? She chuckled and closed her eyes listening to the nice groove that Nu Flavor had. In her mind, she hoped that perhaps someday she would also get as lucky as Bitsy.

Meanwhile, Lee turned shifted the gears of her car. She smiled at the advice DJ Wick’d shared, and headed over to the nearest department store. She might as well get a tube of concealer now before she gets caught without one again.

*This post was also written under 30 minutes in response to the question posted at the DailyPost.*