Archive for October, 2011

October 31, 2011

Stretching my legs, and NaNoWriMo

I have a lot of writing to do. I do. That is why I am stretching my fingers and legs to somewhat get ready for the writing that I need to do. Good thing I was able to get some new opps, so I can still put food on the table after I say farewell to the place where I worked for over 2 years. It is okay, I will survive.

I also joined this November event called NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writers Month. Although I’ve never written any novels or done really story writing, I always wondered what it would be like to actually finish a story – or novel. Unfortunately, I still do not have a storyline, or a list of characters or even an outline of what’s going to happen. But maybe I will get around to come up with a rough sketch of what I am going to do.

Tomorrow is the first of November, by the way, and that is the official start of NaNoWriMo. Wish me luck!

Sometimes I wish I had the writing prowess of my friend, Mic at the Broken Coffee Cafe. She has a talent for weaving stories and an imagination to boot. I, on the other hand, am challenged. I do think I have an imagination, but I have yet to let things fly free.

We will see where this goes.

Anyway, I have words to weave, letters to string, and work to be done.

Catch you later folks!

October 28, 2011

At a cafe, and I am okay

I should be bored, bored, bored. Well, I am bored to a certain extent… but I don’t feel that much alone anymore.

This blog post came after another one that was peppered with loneliness during my previous trip to Cagayan de Oro. I am still here, however, but I am no longer as sad, bored, or lonely. I am tired. That’s just about it.

My brother graduated yesterday. Oh, what joy! That makes it two children down, and two more to go for my mother. Next year, hopefully, my sister is next.

I am pretty much just counting the days before I leave my current place of employment. Pardon me if I say this with glee, but I am soooo “FUDGING HAPPY!” It feels so liberating, and I haven’t even left the company yet. Despite not knowing what comes afterwards, I think I have just had enough. Enough is enough. And that is all there is to it. The people at work seem to think that I will not push through with it. But believe me, its just two more weeks and I am free!!! This is just a courtesy stay. I am not waiting for anything anymore. So tired.

This sucks because even when I am literally on another island, my thought still drift to work… meh.

In other news, I just had to purchase a book because I was bored. You see, my siblings’ apartment does not have a TV or a computer, and it is kind of far from any Internet cafe especially at night. So I just had to find something to help me ease my pain.

The book is entitled, “The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy Through a Maze of Computer Espionage” by Clifford Stoll. Actually, I had borrowed a copy of this book around 3 years ago, but I had to return it to the owner without being able to read it because I was a bit too busy. The book was published in 1989, and what I find interesting is that the hacking and the languages that were mentioned are quite old. It’s really nice. I look forward to finishing it before I go back to work.


Anyway, this is just a quick update from my end of the world. I think I shall write another post. Because lately I have been feeling the writing bug, and I want to write write write write write write. Weird huh? 🙂


October 10, 2011


You can be practically anywhere in the world and be connected via the Internet as long as your gadgets – whatever they are – are capable of going online.

You can talk, chat, and be socially active online, watch your loved ones from afar, and be as virtually connected as you can possibly be. Sometimes even sexually – – – 😉

But for some reason, no matter where you are in the world, even when you are surrounded by people, sometimes you do feel alone. And although I have no plans of publicly breaking into Heart’s “Alone,” that is exactly what I feel right at this very moment.

I could go about the place, sure. But I could just stay here in front of the computer where I feel safe talking to my husband and mother. Yet there is a whole city out there with people I do not recognize, streets I do not know, and well… funds that are running low. But then again, I could be adventurous. I could be. But I would still be alone.

Where I am at is not a place that is so hard to adapt. That is for sure, and by tomorrow, I embark on another journey. Home. That is what gives me strength at least, because the prospect of actually holding my loved ones is something that money cannot buy. Still, we do have to sacrifice distance in order for us to survive, or at the very least keep our heads afloat. Not just mine, but others as well.

Cryptic. I know.

Anyway, this is just me winding down after the long day of running about. Good news is that my siblings are safe, and by tomorrow, I can actually start preparing for home.

And yes, I still feel alone.
