Posts tagged ‘harlequin’

January 11, 2011

2 down, 98 to go

Before I forget, I finished my second book last night.

I chose “Manhunting” by Jennifer Crusie.

It was very good! Very, very, very good, actually. She just happens to know how to put funny and romantic into the same book EFFECTIVELY without going too corny, if you know what I mean. Very witty, too!

I am so much in love with Jennifer Crusie. i wish I could write like her.

Right now, I am reading “Hot Spot” by Debbi Rawlins. Yeah, more romance in my system. You should hear my thoughts these days, I think I am writing a book in my brain! But I have not written a single line yet. Thou shall not smirk at my book preferences! I want something that would pull me out of my misery, and this looks like it could be the answer.

Who knows, it may be in the stars that I would become a novelist some day. I always wanted to be one.

Heeh. 98 books to go!