Archive for March, 2011

March 27, 2011

Kitchen woes

nullHere I am sitting in front of the computer thinking of what to do next.

I just asked my husband what we will be having for dinner, and his reply was his usual response, “mala^ nimo “. It is up to you, he said.

Damn it.

I have a confession to make.

I am not the most domesticated wife in the planet. My husband knew that when he signed up to be my other half, because my late grandmother made that very clear. Yep, she even made it extremely clear to my would-be in-laws (all relative in laws who would listen) that I was not talented in that are – cooking and cleaning. Still, I think I managed to get by. I do know how to cook some, clean some, and some some.

My husband is worse. If I am undomesticated, he… well, he’s like the Undomesticated Monster. Okay so maybe he can clean up better than I can, but he feels like cleaning every, say, 6-7 months. I, on the other hand, attempt to clean but my cleaning style is what many have classified as “organized chaos.” He can also cook… he can cook eggs and instant noodles. But that is just about it.

Cooking-wise, I would like to think that I can cook, if I knew what I was going to cook. My biggest problem is actually deciding what to cook. I do not claim to be a pro at this, but at least I can deliver something edible every now and again.

I have reasons for not following this desire to cook (I do want to cook, ya know). Some of my reasons are as follows:

a) we have one table-top stove. Good for cooking food one at a time
b) cooking requires money, and unfortunately I am not that rich, so all those nice dishes I want to cook –
c) we do not have a refrigerator. This means that if I cook something, it would have to be something that will go away at the end of the meal. This also means I cannot keep ingredients to stay fresh long enough.
d) my husband and his family have simple tastes. This means that there have been instances when I cooked something familiar to me but foreign to them… well, they are not THAT adventurous.

So again… I asked my husband what would be our dish for this fine evening.

He said, it is still up to me.

I, on the other hand have no clue whatsoever as to what to prepare.

After the disaster of making mutant brownies, I have resigned to seeking instructions and preparing myself well before diving in and making anything close to edible. Yes, I am a wuss like that.

But that still does not solve my problem.

What to feed these people?

How da heck do I do this?

ARGH! *bang head here*

March 25, 2011

Friday night thoughts

Life is odd.

There are nights when you simply cannot stop from writing and working, and then there are days where you just refuse to write anything down that is connected with work.

Tonight is one of those days.

I just finished a book entitled  “Bet Me” by Jennifer Crusie, and was duly inspired by the fact that I should not stop eating carbs and just love myself.

Earlier this year, I was given a bit of a prediction from a friend that one of my challenges this year is to love myself and accept myself for who I am. I guess you could say that this has always been one of the biggest challenges that I have had to face in my entire life. It is not pretty, and I know that everybody else goes through it. I guess I just wanted to have a place to present my feelings to.

Did you know that all over the world, women berate themselves because they think that they do not have a nice body or that they are not sexy at all. But from what I just learned, that is not the case. In fact, curvy women like myself are still sexy, and that, well, in a way, men have more fun with women who eat and are comfortable with their bodies compared to the women who frequently fret about their size, appearance, and the food that they consume.

Believe me, I think that is also quite tiresome.

Right now, I am running out of things to write about.

But I just wanted the whole worled that… uhm… Lorselle is thinking about nothing on a Friday night! 🙂


March 11, 2011

Talk to me, Bugs Bunny!

DailyPost asks us today “If you could bring one fictional character to life for a day, who would you choose?”

I tried to think of a lot possible nice fictional characters that I would bring to life even for a day. For what, you ask? I have no idea, but it would be cool if they would come to life even for a while.

I could have chosen from a lot of inspiring, awesome, and cool fictional characters, but none of them really catches my interest that much aside from my favorite character, Bugs Bunny.

Not a lot of people like Bugs Bunny. I know. But I have loved him since I was a kid and never really stopped liking Bugs.

For one, his witty remarks make me laugh all the time, and his has this sassy style that makes him so cool for me. It’s like he has answers for almost everything that comes his way, and doesn’t really run away from problems, but even tries to cause more chaos.

IF he were to be with me – hopefully not as a silent bunny but in Bugs Bunny form, I wouldn’t sit with him and just talk. No. I think I would gallivant around town and just have fun.

But that’s just me.

If you were to answer the question, what would you say? Or better yet, what would you do?